Lt. Governor David Zuckerman Releases First Round of Endorsements: Elected Leaders

PRESS RELEASE: May 14, 2020

Lt. Governor David Zuckerman Releases First Round of Endorsements: Elected Leaders

BURLINGTON: Today, the Zuckerman for VT campaign released the first group in a series of key endorsements in the 2020 Vermont gubernatorial race. 

Lt. Governor David Zuckerman’s first group of endorsements is a list of more than fifty members of the Vermont House of Representatives, Senate, and former elected officials. The group of legislators and former legislators represent diverse areas across the state from the Northeast Kingdom and Southern Vermont, to Central Vermont and Chittenden county. 

The Zuckerman for VT campaign also released a number of quotes from these leaders:

“I support David because we care about the same issues that are so important for the health and wellbeing of Vermonters: universal health care, paid family leave, affordable childcare, protecting women’s reproductive rights, and good quality education, to name a few. As our governor, David will encourage us to address these challenges and work with us to find the solutions that Vermont and Vermonters deserve.” - Senate Majority Leader, Becca Balint 

“We need David as governor to ensure our economic recovery is grounded in our commitment to the climate. As a farmer he knows the urgency of this issue. As Lt. Governor he has listened to youth calling for a green future and Vermonters searching for good paying jobs. As governor, David will fight for a stronger and greener future for us all.” - Senator Dick McCormack

“I've worked with David through the years and come to appreciate his deep respect for all Vermonters. He has made and continues to make strong connections in urban, rural and working communities. I’ve watched him listen to my constituents as they have shared their economic challenges and work with them to find solutions. David will be a great governor for all of Vermont.” - Senator Cheryl Hooker

“Vermont is a state comprised of creative small businesses with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. With David Zuckerman as our next governor, we gain a farmer and business owner that  understands the complex landscape we face.  Managing the intricacies of meeting payroll, marketing, creating a product, sales and distribution is no easy feat.  Having orchestrated this delicate balance David knows how to lead in an effective and efficient manner.  These skills are crucial for Vermont’s next governor.” - Rep. Matt Birong

In response to these endorsements, Lt. Governor David Zuckerman said, “I am humbled and proud to be endorsed by each of these leaders. Those that serve Vermont are a diverse group, committed to their local communities and our State. They work tirelessly for their constituents to improve our everyday lives - from economics to the environment, to justice and equal opportunities for all Vermonters to thrive. I look forward to listening to them, learning from them, and working with them and so many others as Governor of Vermont.” 

The campaign used these legislative endorsements to debut their new endorsements website page which lists this group of legislative endorsements as well as highlighting key endorsements that the campaign had released previously: the VT AFL CIO endorsement, Bill McKibben, environmentalist and founder of, Democratic Party Leaders and Ben & Jerry, co-founders of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. 

The list of current legislative endorsements for David Zuckerman is below. 

Senator Becca Balint, Windham County

Senator Philip Baruth, Chittenden County

Senator Cheryl Hooker, Rutland County

Senator Dick McCormack, Windsor County

Senator Chris Pearson, Chittenden County

Senator Andy Perchlik, Washington County

Senator Anthony Pollina, Washington County

Senator Robert Starr, Essex-Orleans

Senator Jeanette White, Windham County

Rep. Matt Birong, Vergennes

Rep. Mollie Burke, Brattleboro

Rep. Robin Chesnut-Tangerman, Middletown Springs

Rep. Brian Cina, Burlington

Rep. Selene Colburn, Burlington

Rep. Hal Colston, Winooski

Rep. Mari Cordes, Lincoln

Rep. Caleb Elder, Starksboro

Rep. Diana Gonzalez, Winooski

Rep. Sandy Haas, Rochester

Rep. Robert Hooper, Burlington

Rep. Terry Macaig, Williston

Rep. Curt McCormack, Burlington

Rep. Mike Mrowicki, Putney

Rep. Jean O’Sullivan, Burlington

Rep. Zach Ralph, Hartland

Rep. Randall Szott, Barnard

Rep. Michael Yantachka, Charlotte

Former Senator Scudder Parker, Northeast Kingdom

Former Senator Cheryl Rivers, Windsor

Former Majority Leader, Floyd Nease, Johnson

Former Rep. Diane Carmolli, Rutland

Former Rep. Dean Corren, Burlington

Former Rep. Carina Driscoll, Burlington

Former Rep. John Freidin, Middlebury

Former Rep. Patsy French, Randolph

Former Rep. Barbara Grimes, Burlington

Former Rep. Susan Hatch Davis, Washington

Former Rep. Steve Hingtgen, Burlington

Former Rep. Alysia Krasnow, Charlotte

Former Rep. Mark Larson, Burlington

Former Rep. Cynthia Martin, Springfield

Former Rep. Donny Osman, Barre

Former Rep. Daryl Pillsbury, Brattleboro

Former Rep. Dexter Randall, Troy

Former Rep. Andy Snyder, Rutland

Former Rep. Bob Stannard, Manchester

Former Rep. Linda Waite-Simpson, Essex

Former Rep. Cindy Weed, Enosburg

Former Rep. Suzi Wizowati, Burlington

Former Rep. Teo Zagar, Barnard



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